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  • Writer's pictureJen Houbre

"SpeakEndo;" Why Speaking Up About Endometriosis is so Important

I first heard of "SpeakEndo" while scrolling through my Instagram feed this past March. I came across a post from actress and professional dancer, Julianne Hough, where she shared that she had endometriosis and would be partnering with AbbVie to raise awareness.

Hough has been encouraging women to not only speak up about endometriosis if they have it, or "speak endo," but she also has been encouraging women who don't think they have it to learn more.

I thought I knew what endometriosis was. I thought it was just painful periods, but after seeing these ads I discovered, according to, that "Endometriosis occurs when tissue that acts a lot like the lining of your uterus—called endometrium—starts growing outside of your uterus, where it doesn't belong."

I was also surprised to learn that 1 in 10 women suffer from endometriosis. Many suffer without the knowledge that they are even affected. The risks are so much more than just a bad period. The pain can be unbearable and incredibly limiting. It can also affect your risk of having children.

This is how endometriosis lesions can affect the body and cause extreme pain. (Credit:

I think what SpeakEndo, AbbVie, and Julliane Hough are doing is incredibly important. Not only does it encourage those who have never heard of it to learn more and possibly seek treatment, it is helping to end some of the stigma around this disease.

From a young age women are taught that periods are supposed to be a private issue and menstrual pain is something we should suffer through in silence. Those who suffer from more painful periods can be discouraged from speaking up because they may think that they will be looked at as weak for not being able to handle the pain that "every woman" goes through.

This creates a toxic environment for those with endometriosis who's pain can be incredibly restricting. They may feel like they can't take time off or take time for themselves to deal with their pain because many don't understand what endometriosis even is. That's why SpeakEndo is so important. It is showing those with endometriosis that their pain is valid, while teaching others what this painful disease is so the stigma around it can end.

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